Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well every single one of my posts are about Owen now. Which seems reasonable since he takes up most of my time anyhow. I do have one bit of news. I finally got a job. I am working for a Marketing company in Salt Lake and I really like it. That is at least some good news which I have been needing badly. Owen is just as cute as ever. He is still not walking although he totally could. He just won't do it by himself. He just pulls himself up on everything he can. He talks sooo much and his favorite thing to say is ofcourse Batman. He loves to read books and loves to listen to music too. He has been so much fun lately. I love this age.

One of his favorite toys he got for his birthday. Thanks Grandma.


Michelle said...

He is soooo cute. I bet you have fun every day with him. Don't hurry the walking thing because once he starts you will never slow him down.

Erica said...

Yeah a new post! i love that he is not walking yet! Sounds like he talks way more than Emmy. Yeah for the job! The pic with you and me made me do a double take. You looked just like you didi when you were little. It was weird buit oh so cute! Love ya!

Lindsay said...

enos and i love that batman is his favorite word to say... this boy just made my weekend. I love it when you post. i know what you mean... i pretty much only post about lucas now... oh well.. i guess that means we're involved in our children's lives right? give that sweet little boy a hug for me... and give Owen one too. HAH. :) love you linds!