Monday, September 10, 2007


So I took Shawn to Spamalot last night for his birthday and I have to say it was one of the most hilarious plays I have ever seen. I highly suggest it to anyone who is a fan of Monty Python. Great fun and a good night out.


jamieyk4 said...

Love Monty!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have you ever heard Brad or Jenny immitate Monty? they are really good...but there is only one Monty you

Lisa said...

Thanks for the support with the new hair color Linds (and Shawn). Well, I'll be sure to give you a side view picture next time so that you will know that I am definitely pregnant! Thanks though.

Erica said...

Lou I have been trying to call you but it is going right to voice mail! What's up with that? If you have a home phone number I really need it! Just wanted to chat and see how things are going and to talk to ya about the travel thing! I hope all is going well call me soon!!!