Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sometimes I will just say things...
Hey kids, we are back (though we never left in the first place)
I really feel like conservatives, democrats, republicans, and liberals that oppose this health care only care for themselves. Sure, it is not yet perfect, but if you have any faith in your country being the best country then you know we can work through this and make it better. We aren’t Canada and we aren’t Europe so quit comparing! I mean who doesn’t think we all deserve the best in equal amounts. Just because a crack whore has a baby that doesn’t mean that baby should be punished for the crack whores choices. That baby deserves a good life as much as the rest of us that were born to parents who didn’t do crack or whores.
Who cares how much it will cost, our country is famous for spending money they don’t have to improve the country or what not, we always fight to make it right and we always survive. Who cares if some greedy person doesn’t want to go to medical school so that they can be filthy rich? Maybe people will go to medical school because they really want to help people, sort of like teachers who get paid crap, but still does it because they love teaching and helping kids grow. When did the American dream become “Get rich or be considered worthless”?
What pisses me off is the hypocrisy of the right wing. During the Bush administration they all told me to stand by Bush, because he was my president. But now that a non republican is in office they all say don’t support the president. Now don’t get me wrong, I really like it when people oppose the president as long as it’s consistent and not against laws or bills that will make America greater. If you supported a guy that lied to get us into a war and right before he left office gave a ton of money to the wealthy, then you should support a guy that is trying to give the country health care. Unless you really think that you are better than most Americans and deserve better.
I watch Glenn Beck (fox news is actually the channel I watch the most when it comes to the news and I don’t watch a lot of news), he is constantly jumping out from behind his chalk board and yelling “BOO, Obama is going to destroy this country with socialism and eat your children’s souls.” Glenn and his shock jock equals have no faith in this country or its people if they think that we the people would ever let that happen. I know they pretend to be the voice of the oppressed, but who believes these rich guys are looking out for us poor guys? A friend of mind told me that watching his show gives him money for his opinion of hate, his whining, and arguing of semantics to his choir. True, he profits from his image, but I still watch it now and again, I think Glenn is funny in an aggravating kind of way.
ANYWAY, we are a strong nation that has overcome and will overcome anything the world throws at us. If you believe that this is the greatest nation then support it! I am not telling you to trust politicians or quit questioning our government, just don’t spend you time fighting to stop good things like heath care, think of some better ways to fix the idea that is now out there. I say we put our tea bags in some hot water, sit down, and have some tea.
Friday, February 26, 2010
So sorry late...
Monday, February 8, 2010
I am going to be posting on Mondays now!
Friday, January 29, 2010
A few pictures and some reflections of being a stay at home dad.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pictureless, but not anchorless
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Year and some left overs.
Thursday, January 7, 2010