Friday, February 26, 2010

So sorry late...

Sorry for the lack of updates, I was just waiting on some news. I don't think I will update for a month or so, because I GOT SOME WORK! Besides my new part time job I got another job doing some video editing. The pay is going to rock, but I will be working 40-60 hour weeks doing it. Hopefully Lou will be able to update while I am busy.

For now her is some pictures:
Owen loves to use Shadow as a pillow.
Linds made a great fire the other night, which I felt made for some good lighting. Here are a few of the pictures from that.
She is so beautiful! I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Obi probably is telling me to turn on the tv.
Jos Vee in Shadows bed.
Uncle Tony and O are twins!

See you guys in about a month!


Dustin DeWitt said...

yeah, new work for us! So many great pics. Owen always makes me giggle when I see him.

Lisa said...

Congrats on getting work! That picture of Owen laying on Shadow is it! When are you guys coming down again so the kids can play??

Erica said...

Yeah shawn I am so excited for y ou guys!!! I so miss you guys Owen is getting to big. Can't wait to see you in May!

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