Thursday, June 18, 2009

Owen is a nerd!

It is true. He is a nerd. And here are a few pictures to prove it.

Not really nerdy in this one, but cute still. I promise there will be some nerdy pictures.

Just being a nerd and reading a book.

"oh, were you looking at me?"

He likes to hold onto Shawn's shirt when he is playing video games ... Nerd.

Do I even need to say it in this one?

hee hee ... NERD!!!

Oh I am sorry, your not that nerdy.


He is pretty cute and nerdy but I love him to death.


Lindsay said...

i love the one where you've staged his nerdiness...the high pants are the best.hahaha oh my cute little nerd're gonna melt some hot cheerleader's heart someday i can feel it. :)

The Gotzingers said...

TOO FUNNY!! Still stinkin cute!! :o)

Erica said...

Love it can't wait to squeeze that nerd!

jamieyk4 said...

Oh my baby Owen. I miss him already. I wish I could be there for his 1st birthday!!! I miss you guys

Erica said...

I demnad to see a post about vacation and the newest goings on!